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Numbers is Now Available in Massachusetts
Lotto Life

Numbers is Now Available in Massachusetts

Numbers is now live! Take your chance at winning two jackpots per day on! Read more to learn about the different wager types Numbers offers and how you can win big!
Numbers is Now Available in Massachusetts

Numbers tickets are now available in Massachusetts on! The twice daily draw game offered by the Massachusetts Lottery gives players a chance at scoring a big win by matching all four numbers drawn!

There are several ways you can play Numbers. You start by selecting the wager type you’d like to play. offers four different bet types for your Numbers ticket: Digit, Pair, Triple, Order. 

Prizes are determined by the amount of tickets sold for a particular drawing, the more tickets sold, the higher the prizes will be! The estimated jackpot for a midday drawing is $4,500.


A digit bet costs $1 per line and is the simplest bet type offered. To win a digit bet, all you need to do is pick a single number to match from the four numbers drawn. You can pick to match any of the four numbers.


A pair bet requires you to match two of the four winning numbers. There are three different pair bets you can select: Front Pair, Middle Pair and back pair. Front pair requires you to match the first two numbers drawn, middle pair needs the second and third number, and back pair requires the last two numbers drawn.


A triple bet requires you to match three of the four winning numbers. There are four different triple bets you can select: Front triple, back triple, any front triple or any back triple. Front triple requires you to match the first three numbers drawn, back triple requires the last three numbers drawn. Any front triple and any back triple open up the number of combinations you have to win! With this bet type you can match the first or last three numbers in any order.


Order wagers require you to match all four numbers. There are two different order bets you can select: Exact Order any Any Order. Exact Order requires you to match all four numbers in the exact drawn order. This is the only way to win the Jackpot! Any Order opens up the number of combinations you have to win! With this bet type you can match the four winning numbers in any order.

Numbers draws twice daily at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm. You can order Mega Millions ®, Powerball and more on using your browser or by downloading the app available on the App Store and Google Play Store.