Jackpot updating
The Lottery was created by the Pennsylvania General Assembly on August 26, 1971; two months later, Henry Kaplan was appointed as its first executive director. The Pennsylvania Lottery sold its first tickets on March 7, 1972 and drew its first numbers on March 15, 1972. By Pennsylvania law, at least 40 percent of Lottery proceeds are required to be paid as prizes, with another 27 percent towards funding programs. The Pennsylvania Lottery is the only US lottery that targets all of its proceeds to programs for its elderly residents. Since the beginning of the Lottery in 1972, more than $20.1 billion has been contributed to programs.
Find all Pennsylvania lottery games, drawing times, recent and previous winning numbers, and everything relevant to the PA state lottery. Lotto is the leading digital lottery courier service providing lottery results for your state and other lottery-related information. Feel free to contact us at Success@lotto.com for any questions or concerns.