Ask the store clerk for a Quick Pick (QP) ticket or fill out a play slip. Each play slip has six boards. Play any two boards for $1. Play up to six boards for $3.
To play a board, pick five numbers from the set of 32 numbers and pick one number from the set of 25 numbers. Each play is a minimum of two boards. You can play two, four, or six boards on a play slip. Place a heavy, vertical mark through the numbers you wish to play. Do not use red ink and do not erase. If you make an error, mark the VOID box, and then make selections on another board.
You may purchase the same boards for up to 15 consecutive draws on one single ticket when you check the appropriate number of draws in the multi-draw box.
You may select QP and have the computer randomly pick the numbers for you. Either mark the QP option on the play slip for up to six boards and your desired multi-draw option or ask the store clerk for a QP ticket for up to ten boards and your desired multi-draw option.